Monday, February 3, 2020

I'll get around to finishing my book on Genesis  soon.  When I do, I'll share the remaining chapters with you.  

I am a sporadic writer.  I write, stop, then go back and read and edit what I wrote and write another chapter, then go to something else for awhile.  Let it simmer.

I've finished two other books.  Down to submitting for editing.  The first book I wrote--the one I wish I had never told anyone that a publisher bought--goes to the senior editor in a week.  My end of it is done.  The cover is done.  It was supposed to be on the shelves last September.  Didn't happen.  It's coming.

I never should have told anyone it was going to be published and that way I wouldn't have been embarrassed when the publisher didn't do what they said they were going to do.  Get it in writing!!

I had fifteen people for breakfast on Saturday.  It's been years since I did something that big.  It was fun.  And everything came out of the oven like it was supposed to!  The food was really good.  People brought things to eat in addition to a sausage, egg, potato breakfast casserole I made.

Got to see relatives that I hadn't seen in years.  It's always fun to trade stories and find things out you never knew.  And to hear different versions of things you knew a little about.  Anytime family gets together, it is a lot of fun.

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