Friday, June 3, 2022

 Bible School starts Monday.  I will be a co-director with first graders.  This should be interesting.  I am not qualified to work with elementary age children I don’t think.  Teens are my age group.  We’ll see how I do.  I volunteered because I wanted my two grandsons to go.  The church must be desperate since they put me in with first graders.

Most workers don’t want to work with teens so when it was my turn to work with young children, I was always able to trade off with a worker that got assigned to teens.  But this time I volunteered.  I must have been nuts that day.

I hope they let me be the story teller.  I can do that.

I had an appointment with my doctor come the tests to see why I have lost my appetite.  Everybody I know is trying to lose weight.  I’m trying to Not lose any weight.  Nothing tastes good.  They did all the blood work, and other etc.  And the doctor says I look fantastic on paper.

Which is great.  I think what I need is for Joe Bacon to show up banging on the door at three in the morning saying he has a present for Ken and me---named Franklin and Eleanor.   He had just landed, coming in from Maine and had two huge lobsters in a cooler.   I think that would restore my appetite.  It was a little unsettling to eat something Joe had named...Ken had no problem at all. 

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