Friday, June 24, 2022

Friday gets here too quick anymore.  The days seem long while I am in them, but they go so fast looking back.

I’ve been trying to read the book of Revelation again.  I’ve read it a zillion times, separated the seven churches, seven seals, seven angels, organized the topics, etc.... because John says I will get a blessing if I read it, hear it, and keep the things in the book. (Revelation 1:3)

If I have gotten the blessing for trying to make sense of it, I don’t know what or when I got it.  It’s like slogging through quicksand.  Maybe it was written for the people 2000 years ago when John wrote it.  Or the people someday who are alive when it is fulfilled. I don’t know.

There are a few passages I connect with .  My son Scott was an all-state tenor and has a beautiful voice.  He sang “My redeemer is Faithful and True” once at church and that phrase is in the book.  Chapter 3:20 says, “Behold I stand at the door and knock...” That is the only verse I memorized from the book and marked in green.

And yes, I read the “Left Behind series, listened to Ken’s dad preach on the subject and have various opinion books.  I keep trying...I want the blessing.  Maybe I already have it and just need to be thankful. 

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