Tuesday, June 14, 2022

My daughter Pat has rescued animals all of her life, saved them, or helped them to the next world with her devoted attention.  If it is broken, she wants to help it heal.  If it is lost, she wants to help it find a home.

She works at the Luther library, and last week, a mother skunk decided to crawl under the library and give birth to six baby “skunklets.”

There are people who could have taken care of that situation, Pest control, the manager of the library...etc.  But, no.  This was a job created for someone like Pat.  She jumped right in and took charge.

I was having a heart attack because I know skunks are highly prone to have rabies...while she was assuring me that she knew what she was doing.  And I guess she did because the skunks are gone.  One at a time they were trapped and sent somewhere that was more appropriate.  I personally think that should have been heaven, but Pat wouldn’t do that.

They are cute little critters.  For a while.  And then they aren’t.  A German Shepard we owned got into it with a skunk;  The skunk always wins, and if your dog is the one that comes home with a fresh coat of skunk spray, you will be in for a miserable week of washing the dog and trying all the remedies people suggest.  Incidentally, tomato juice doesn’t work.

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