Wednesday, June 15, 2022

 Pat sent me a picture of one of the baby skunks.  It fits in the palm of her hand. (She has gloves on.)  They sent all six of them to pest control where they will feed them and take care of them until they are mature enough to release back into the wild.  I guess I’m okay with that.  Kinda.

June is half gone and I can’t catch up on this year.  It is evaporating.  All the tasks I was going to do aren’t done.  Today I am writing letters of encouragement for some kids who are going to Falls Creek.  My entire class is doing this.  Everyone likes to get a letter.

Squig is much better.  The vet who saw him the last two times is really good.  She listens to what I say and says that I am Squig’s voice.  She went through his past records and came up with a treatment system that worked.  

One of the oddest things that has happened is that the two meds she gave him have changed his hair.  He used to get stiff white hairs on his neck. (He is solid black).  The white hairs are gone.  They quit growing.  Since he got the medication, he doesn’t have a white hair anywhere.  

She did a blood test and said his enzymes were out of whack.  Now, he has his “whack” back.  I am so thankful.

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