Monday, June 13, 2022

I survived.  Barely.  The last night after both boys left, I slept eleven hours.  If I ever mention working in Bible School again, please shoot me.  At my age, rounding up first graders is impossible.

If the leaders ask me to sit in a chair and tell the Bible story, I’ll do that.  But anything that involves getting up and  Or lining kids up to get a snack.  Or go to the bathroom.  Or move down the hall in a line to go to the craft room.  No.  No.  No.

That’s why God gives children to young people!!  They have the stamina to deal with them.

I am going to spend this week doing all the things I didn’t get done last week.  Or at least try and make a dent in it.  

I plan to watch TV.  I have no idea what happened in the world last week. I doubt there was anything good.  Anymore, everyone just fights.  Wars and rumors of wars--even among the American public.  I think people have forgotten how to discuss an issue...they just yell.  Listening is a lost art.

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