Thursday, June 2, 2022

Yep, I forgot to post yesterday...that seems to be happening more and more.   I guess I will have to admit that we get forgetful as we age.  I have a pattern of actions I go through the minute I get out of bed and if anything out of the usual happens, I am out of sync!

Today, I am going to the grocery store.  I haven’t been in more than two months.  Friends, neighbors and family have kept me supplied.  But there comes a day that you just have to walk up and down the aisles and see what is going on.  Or...I have heard...what is missing from the shelves.

Becky brought me a “King’s Roll” little sandwich.  Made with dried tomatoes, spinach, mozzarella is perfect for breakfast.  I’m about to get a system going for breakfast so that I don’t eat the same thing every day.  I just pop something out of the freezer and zap it.

I am working on coloring the words “Holy Spirit” turquoise in my Bible.  I work on that every night when I go to bed.  Squig and I are both sleeping so much better now that he likes his “cage.”

I’ve just about given up on TV.  It’s nothing but the latest shoot-ups.  Our country is now the gang-murder capital of the world.  It’s depressing.  Something awful has happened in the minds of our young people.  Perhaps we should rethink the subject of Bibles in the classrooms.  The idea of a system of rules we should live by has vanished from the public arena. 

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