Tuesday, May 2, 2023

I went over 2000 posts without missing one.  Then...I will try to do better.  So many of you have stuck with me from the beginning.  

I told a friend that the reason we have a hard time praying is because of the pictures we saw as a child...God sitting on a throne, with a crown and a robe.

God is not sitting around on a throne doing nothing.  The Bible says that God is a Spirit and those of us who worship him must worship him in Spirit.  He is all around us.  Loving us, upholding us with his right hand and leading us in the the paths he wants us to follow.  It’s a big job because to be honest, we aren’t much to work with. 

I do it by thinking of God as being where I am.  It makes Him close.  And then we talk.  Just talk...I never have anything very big to say, because nothing very big happens in my life.

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