Monday, May 8, 2023

 Well, it’s really going to happen I guess.  Sunday’s Oklahoma paper had a blurb  about Janie Jacks (!) and “The Letter” and that the book will be available at Best of Books bookstore on Sat. May 13th.  I’ll be signing them if anyone shows up to buy one.  I’m rather nervous about the whole thing.  

I get one dollar for every book sold and I’ll give you your dollar back if you will buy one!!!  I just want people to read it. 

No, I haven’t seen it.  Just a loose leaf that the publisher brought by the house a couple of weeks ago for me to check on last minute details.

I have no idea when it will be available elsewhere.  She said anyone can buy it through book websites.  The publisher is Roadrunner Press. They want the local bookstore to have first crack at it.  Then Tinker--since it is based on military families.  I hope I last long enough to get it all done.  Barnes and Noble in Tulsa soon.

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