Wednesday, September 13, 2023

After over 2500 posts, you would think I would find an easier way to do it.  But if it involves research, it ain’t gonna happen.  So every time I start to write to you all, I have to set the font size and type of font.

I eat in spurts.  One month (or two) it was sliders.  Then Quiche, then sweet and sour chicken, then fried rice, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and so on.  This month it is beef stroganoff.  I’ve eaten that every day for the last two weeks.

But basically, I’m not hungry.  I remember one time I asked Ken what he wanted for supper and he said, “Whatever you fix.”  He never complained.  But he followed that statement with, “Eating is just a habit, anyway.”  I guess being on the go, as a Marine jet jock, you ate whatever you got whenever you got it.  He just ate whatever I put in front of him.  Looking back, I appreciate that.

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