Thursday, September 14, 2023

Trusting God is easy to say and hard to do.  We know what we want, and when we tell God that we are putting things in his hands, it is sometimes so difficult.  In other words we take our problems to the Lord and when we get back off our knees, we take them back with us.

Basically, we sometimes want to treat God like an insurance policy.  We want Him to be there when we need him, but we will take care of everything else.

Depending on God means not relying on yourself every time you have a problem.  There is peace when you really give a problem to Him.  But you have to let go of it.

We usually pray, “Lord I want your will...but...”  I’m working on that.  He has a bigger picture than our momentary desires.  There is purpose in what he does, and we are not the center of the universe--even though we think we are.  It helps to keep in mind that he really loves you.

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