Monday, September 4, 2023

    There was a buffet at the church last night that my class ended up not going to.  Jeanette had baked cherry pies--she is the number one pie master in the world.  So we are coming over to my house today to eat Jeanette’s cherry pie.  Yum.
    The lesson yesterday was over Daniel ending up as a slave after growing up in an upper crust royal family.  I noted that people (who don’t have to till the land or work at hard dirty jobs) have free time.  They have time to read, read and read. 
   We didn’t have much in the way of money when I was growing up, but I didn’t have to do housework--but as long as I was reading a book, I didn’t have to dust, or wash, or cook. As a result, I didn’t know how to do anything useful when I got married---but I had read all of the classics.  Different families stress different things.  My mom and her sisters--my aunts--pushed reading as a priority.  I don’t know if that is why I love to read--and now write--but I’m glad I was given the freedom to do that.  God uses what we were given.  Whatever it is.

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