Monday, September 11, 2023

We have been in the book of Daniel for the past few weeks.  The first six or seven chapters are interesting...the last are about the second coming.  What should we be doing before he comes back?  Will we be ready when he comes? Interesting to know about.  I’m not much of an end times teacher...I like to teach application.  But when I get up in the morning, I check the Eastern sky...maybe it will be today? 

The next weeks are from the book of Job, and one of the women said, can we skip that and do something from the New Testament?  I said, fine with me.  We will probably do Hebrews.  Wonderful book.  We just aren’t sure who wrote it.  

At the age my class now is, they want “now” teaching.  All of the Bible is wonderful, but some parts of it are more wonderful than others.  We did the stories about people when we were young: David, Solomon, Esther, Ruth, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Sampson...and so on.  They teach us good things, but Paul, John, Luke, Matthew, Mark...are wonderful writers.  And they tell us about Jesus.  That is the important story of the Bible.  

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