Wednesday, February 7, 2024

And after Becky and Kathy brought tea and hot rolls for me, Carolyn brought me a stack of ken-ken puzzles to feed my brain.  She had cut them out for me, every day, for weeks and weeks.

I’ve been trying to teach Molly to do what I tell her.  She thinks she is in control...and regularly proves it.  This morning, I took her to the groomer where a big dog was going in the door. (she weighs 14 pounds--she is little)  She tore the collar off her neck and pulled the leash out of my hand and ran to check him out.  I like to never got her back on the leash.  I  just don’t know how to bring her under control--and it is a problem.  She is not afraid of anything.  She may have to go to obedience training.  I’m wobbly on my feet and I’m afraid that she is going to pull me over--all 14 pounds of her.  I’ve never had a dog that seems to be untrainable.  

I would send her to the pound, but she has come such a long way I hate for her to adjust to another family.  She is a street dog that was abused, broken ribs, deep cuts.  Wounded, and she loves me.

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