Tuesday, February 13, 2024

When the disciples (concerning Prayer) said, “Teach us how to do that.”  It was because they had a background of having to go to the temple and having to have someone else intercede for them.  Talking to God went through a priest.  You had to go to the temple.  On the Sabbath.  They didn’t have a daily prayer time.  Only rarely in the Jewish religion did people speak to God.  (David being the exception.)  So the disciples wanted to know how Jesus just wandered off somewhere and talked to God directly.  “Teach us to pray,” they asked him.  We want to do that, too.  

The book of Hebrews is a masterpiece.  All about the removal of priests from the lives of Christians and the insertion of a HIGH Priest--Jesus.  The writer lays out a brand new contract on how to reach God--how to pray.  It is through the High Priest Jesus.  He has replaced the old prayer channel.  He is the new way.  He is the High Priest forever for you and me.  “In Jesus name.”  Not some earthly priest who is himself a sinner, but a perfect lamb, slain from the foundation of the earth for our sins.  The holy of holies on earth was just a prototype of the heavenly holy of holies.  Read Hebrews.  Under line the words High Priest. Hebrews is not like any other book in the Bible. It lays out a new covenant between you and God.  Your covenant, contract, is sealed in blood. The blood of Jesus.  Our lamb.

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