Tuesday, February 6, 2024

    Friends are the most important part of my life right now.  They take care of me.  Like I said yesterday, at the book signing, Becky Bacon brought me tea, Kathy Davidson brought me rolls.  When I got home, Jeanette texted that she had made me a coconut custard--which will be breakfast for the next week.  Six eggs and a cup of heavy cream and toasted coconut.  Delish!!  And Josh brought me french fries last night.
    Jeanine--across the street calls every time she goes to the grocery store.  I gave her a credit card to keep.  I haven’t been to a grocery store five times in the last six months.  She won’t even let me come to her house to get the sacks.  She delivers them.
    What would I do without friends!!??  And I also have two daughters close by.  My girls both are working full time, but take off when I need them.  Pat drove me to Pryor for the book signing.  She had to take a personal day off.  Becky drove me to Oklahoma City (downtown) to a doctor’s appointment.  I don’t drive in Oklahoma City.
    We need to be thankful for what we have rather than what we don’t have.  I may be shot physically, but I have family and friends.  And today, my physical therapist dismissed me.  She declared me “fit.”  I just have to keep on doing my exercises.  Which I will do--even though I really, really, really don’t want to.

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