Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I have been toggling from the Old Testament to the New, and I've reached the book of Ruth.
     Ruth 1:16 "And Ruth said, (to Naomi, her mother in law)  Intreat me not to leave you, or return from following after you; for wherever you go, I will go: and where you lodge, I will lodge: your people shall be my people, and your God my God:"  This verse is usually heard at weddings, but it isn't a verse about marriage, it is a verse about love.  A woman, Ruth, who loved her mother-in-law.

What a great verse.  Ruth loved her mother-in-law Naomi so much that  she was willing to leave her own  country, her town, her family.  Everything.  And go to a place that she had never been.  To a people that she didn't know.

One of the greatest joys of my life is my two daughter-in-laws.  What a blessing to have two daughters of my own and two daughters by marriage.  All four of them overlook my faults (most of the time!) and love me.  In law relationships can be wonderful.  Mine are such a blessing.

I really cherish the fellowship of women.  The most fun I have in my life is to travel to some far away place with women.  To laugh, eat, see fun places and just get to know each other better.  My second daughter speaks Italian and French.  She arranges our trips and plans what we will do.  It's like having your own personal tour guide.  We always leave the beaten path and have an adventure. We always do something that  no one else normally does.  She pushes me out of my comfort zone and it is always fun.

 I will never forget the first time I left America.  I got a passport, got on a plane and left.  That was 25 years ago, and I was scared.  I was all by myself.   I didn't know what would happen when I landed.  I had never done anything like that before.  I couldn't speak the language.

So I understand Ruth. She was willing to step out of her comfort zone because she trusted and loved her mother-in-law.  She had someone she loved to be her guide.   Because of Naomi, Ruth accepted the one true God.   What a great story about Godly influence that changes another woman's life.


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