Friday, June 28, 2013

I have finally arrived at my kind of perfection in my garden.  Something has been in full bloom since the last of March.  Just as one kind of flower stops blooming, another starts.  I go out every morning and pull weeds and kill poison ivy and yank our tree sprouts,  turn on the hose and water, not because anything needs it (I have a sprinkling system) but just because I like to do it.  I am a 5:30 AM kind of gal and it is still cool enough at that time in the morning to go outside.

I picked asparagus for months, then spinach and now I am overrun with squash.  The okra is two feet high and the tomatoes are almost ready to pick.  I love it.  But then, I love Oklahoma food.

Didn't God do a wonderful job when he created our world.  So much variety.  So many colors.  Just think about it: if we didn't have music, color and variety, the world would be dull and drab.

God is our provider.  He gives us what we need and more.

Revelations 2:7  "To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.  ( The Tree of Life was also in Eden.)

 I wonder what that kind of fruit is going to taste like.  I can't even imagine anything better than fried okra.  I hope heaven has green things growing,  and good things to eat.  However, since God did such a fabulous job on this earth, I'm sure he can create something that I can't even imagine that will far surpass what we know here.

He says we are going to eat in that verse.  That's good.

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