Thursday, June 6, 2013

Yesterday I visited the Apple store for a "One to One" session for some help because many of you have wanted this blog to go straight to your EMail and I didn't know how to do that.  I still don't.  So all of you out there who  have ever sent us an EMail got transferred to my blog.  Sorry.  If you are military, you might enjoy some of the things I have written, but you would have to wade through a lot to find them.  I've been doing this since October.

D Day.  Every Saturday Ken and I eat breakfast with Jim Long and his wife.  Jim landed at Normandy on D Day.  He is well up in his eighties.   Those Normandy heroes are vanishing.  It's America's loss.

Thinking about all the ones who have passed on brings reminds me of the verses in Matthew13: Christ mentions "The kingdom of God" over and over again as he tells parables.  In this one chapter we hear hear "The Kingdom of God" in verses 11, 19, 24, 31, 33, 38, 44, 45, 47.  Jesus also tells us in the Lord's prayer to pray, "Thy Kingdom Come…"

I am ready for His Kingdom.  I am tired of war.  I am sickened by all the young men who have have to die for freedom.  Ken was the commanding officer of a squadron in Beaufort, S.C. and I will never forget the concern he had for the men that he knew would get orders to go to Vietnam.  He knew some of them would die.  We prayed they wouldn't.  But some did.  It broke his heart.

I remember him saying, "JP4.  If I just had more fuel I could give them more hops.  Maybe they could learn enough to survive."

I hope we see them all again in the kingdom of God.

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