Tuesday, October 22, 2013

1 Peter 1:13 "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ…"

Mind control.  You are in charge of your own.  Your mind can be trained to think right and instruct your body to do right.  Everything begins in the mind.  You need to fill it up with good stuff.  Peter says to gird it up just exactly as if you were going into battle.  Which we are.

Sobriety.  Don't be stupid.  You can't function at your best if you numb yourself.  If you numb your mind.  You need all your faculties to think.  And thinking is what you gird the mind up to do.

Hope.  I wonder all the time if today will be the day.  I told you yesterday that I look up every morning and raise my hands to a holy God.  I also check the East just for good measure.  Will Jesus come?  Hope is what we live by.  We believe.  We have faith.  And we hope.

Grace.  It is going to be brought to us by Jesus Christ.  I need some grace.  Taking care of Ken is getting more difficult.  He is trying so hard to do the things he needs to do and losing the fight.  I just hate it for him.  The two of us haven't ever done this before, and every day I ask myself, "Am I doing this right.  Could I do better."  Ken is the love of my life and watching him struggle is so hard.  He never quits, he just loses ground.  He is bigger than life--in his spirit.  But his body is not getting the message.

A lesser man would give up.

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