Friday, October 11, 2013

         James is not a book about the way  to salvation.  It is a book about the results of salvation.  It is a book about behavior.

         One of the most controversial passages in James is his black and white statement concerning Faith and Works in James 2: 15-18.

"If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, depart in peace, be warmed and filled; notwithstanding you don't give them those things which are needful to the body; what does it profit?  Even so faith, if it doesn't have works, is dead, being alone.  Yes, a man may say, you have faith, and I have works:  show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works."
          Dead Faith.  A statement of belief in God without any changes in behavior.  (Remember even the devil believes in God.)
          Productive Faith.  A faith that produces differences in the way you live your life.  Especially in the way you treat people in need.  True faith is generous with the less fortunate.  True faith does good.

           On Saturday, we fill up paper bags for the poor, to be picked up by the Postal Service.  This is one way everyone can help.  Don't just fill it with things you don't want.  Fill it with the things that everyone needs.  Flour, sugar, canned goods, etc.
           Don't put your unwanted clothing in a garage sale, give them to a local shelter.

           If you are like me, I don't know any poor people.  People who have no food or clothing.  They are out there, I just don't cross their paths.  If you are like me, you have to go out of your way to find them.  But you can.  It just takes some effort on our part.   We need to remember where it all comes from in the first place.   Don't build bigger barns.

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