Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I have been overseas frequently.  My daughter Becky was an Industrial Engineer with Conoco, and they sent her abroad, sometimes for weeks.  She had so many frequent flyer miles that she took me with her and also one of her boys because she wanted them to have the experience.  And while she was working,  I would go explore the countryside with Steven or David.
They were young, seven to twelve years old and both of them much more adventurous than I was, but off we would go, hopping trains.

She was working off the North shore at Grimsby on a rig.  In England.  So one morning Steven and I caught a train to York.  The castle there is pretty awesome and we got absorbed in all the sights and missed our train back to Grimsby.  Which meant I had to improvise to get us home.

It was snowing and on the first leg of our alternate route, the train let us off at a concrete pad.  That was it.  No town.  No people.  Just a pad.  So there I was in the middle of nowhere with an eight year old boy with snow coming down.  We certainly hadn't dressed for the snow.

It's at times like that when your prayers get real.  You know that the only way you are going to get out of the mess you are in is with the help of God.  I needed a train to stop.  Now.  And I didn't have a schedule.  I had no idea if one was coming, or when.  We huddled up and sang.  I usually sing when I am scared.  Or hum.  We didn't freeze.  The train came.  It stopped.  I thanked God profusely.

Psalms 5: 1-3  "Give ear to my words, O Lord.  Consider my meditation.  Harken to the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto you I will pray."
Psalms 18:6  "In my distress I called on the Lord, and cried to my God:  he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even to his ears."

When you are in trouble, that's what you do.  You pray.  And you keep yourself free from doing wrong so that God listens.  In Isaiah we are told that there isn't anything wrong with God's arm that he can't reach you, or his ears that he can't hear you.  But that your sins separate you from him.

Stay confessed up.


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