Monday, April 21, 2014

Well, I wanted to pick those morel mushrooms so bad that on Saturday, I drove back to my daughter's farm and went tramping through the woods.  Down gullies, red dirt wash outs and downed trees to get them.  Which we did.  A whole basket full.  We washed them and fried them.  Heavenly.  So delicious.

But there was a price to pay.  Today I have been at the doctor's office getting embedded ticks dug out of my body…I knew to spray with tick spray.  But I didn't.  Really stupid.

Proverbs 4:7  "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all your getting, get understanding."  But all the wisdom in the world won't help you a bit if you don't apply it.  Which I didn't.

That old phrase, "You should have known better," is true.  But how many times do we know the right thing to do and we tell ourselves that, "This time it will be ok.  The ticks aren't biting today."  Or more like, "They won't bite me."

So many stupid mistakes are made that way.  You know better, but you ignore your knowledge.

I am going to be on antibiotics for two weeks because I didn't take two seconds to spray on some Deet.

Knowledge without application is useless.

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