In reading the Bible, I find that sometimes I come to my own personal conclusions about what it is saying. I am going to give you an opinion about something that happened after Christ died and rose again. (It is going to take two or three days to do this--so bear with me.) You need to check out people's opinions for yourself. Mine included. Sometimes I change a word to make it more understandable when I am writing from two or three translations.
You remember when I was writing about the holy of holies, I told you that the high priest took the blood of lambs 'inside' to the mercy seat to atone for the sins of the people once a year. Well, God saved them the same way he saves us. By faith. They had faith in Him that their sins were covered.
But God sent a perfect sacrifice. He sent his son to die for our sins. It is His blood that atones and now covers us. We don't have to sacrifice anything for our sins anymore. Christ did that for us once and for all. Paul says, "This Good News…makes us right in God's sight--when we put our faith and trust in Christ to save us. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith." Romans 1: 17a
If Christ hadn't been adequate to cover us once and for all, then every time we sin, he would have to be sacrificed again. Over and over. Which is exactly the system that the Jews had. What then would be the point of Christ's death. It wouldn't have accomplished anything different or new.
Romans 3: 21-22 "But now God has shown us his new way to heaven--not by "being good enough" and trying to keep his laws, though not new, really, Scriptures told about it long ago. Now God says he will accept and acquit us--declare us not guilty--if we trust Jesus Christ to take away our sins."
Okay. I'm getting there. So when Christ died on the cross and shed his blood, it needed to be placed in the holy of holies on the mercy seat for our atonement. (I know, this is rather deep and detailed.) However the earthly holy of holies in the temple was only a prototype of the altar in heaven. That was the altar where Christ's blood had to go. Hold that thought……my opinion is coming tomorrow…….. This is all hard to read, but don't give up. Jesus is going to do something that is really neat.
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