Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Lately I have been worrying about my dog Bo.  He is eleven and has really slowed down this year.  Every time I let him out, he returns to the house and checks every room, looking for Ken.   He hasn't given up.  He always slept in Ken's arms.   He sleeps with me now, but he sleeps on Ken's pillow.

If you love your dogs, I am sure you have wondered about whether dogs go to heaven.  I have.  I have lots of trivial thoughts just like everyone else does!!  Well, I have always wondered why the Bible never addresses that subject.  Little did I know...

I have been reading the book that Paul wrote to the Romans. (Ken always said that if you only got to keep one book from the Bible that Romans should be your choice.)

And as I was reading, I found some verses that make me believe that Bo will get to join Ken soon.
Romans 8: 19  "All creation is waiting patiently and hopeful for that future day when God will resurrect his children."   Could it mean that 'all creation' might include dogs?   I realize that God's plan is for human resurrection, that we are the ones in need of salvation, but as I read on, I found this verse:

Romans 8: 22 "For we know that even the things of nature, like animals and plants, suffer in sickness and death as they await this great event."  (That future day of resurrection.)  So if animals await this great event, they probably are going to share in it!!  I love the Bible.  It sets my heart at ease.

My daughter Pat has raised horses most of her life, and she said that horses are going to heaven for sure.  Because in the fifth chapter of Revelations, as John watched a vision unfold before him a Mighty Angel said  "Who is worthy to break the seals on this scroll and to unroll it?"  Which was answered in chapter six: "As I watched, the Lamb (Jesus) broke the first seal and began to unroll the scroll.  Then…I looked, and in front of me was a white horse.  Its rider carried a bow, and a crown was placed upon his head…"  The chapter continues with mention of other horses who will be there at the end times.

Like I said, I am having trivial thoughts.  But I really want my dogs to be in heaven with me and Ken.  However, it is much more important that you are there.  Dogs can't repent.  People can.

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