Scott (my son) sent me this message--which I didn't know.
He said that years after Ken retired, one of the old timers used to love to tell Scott the story of how the Mayes County Sheriff tried to get his dad thrown in jail… the Sheriff knew it was Ken, but couldn’t prove it. The FAA needed a tail number. (From the plane)
But at 575 mph (500 knots) and at 50 feet above the deck…Ken would be out of Pryor on final approach at Tulsa International Airport in less than 3 minutes…there was no way to get a tail number. And back then you didn't have to file a flight path. No one knew where you were. There was no way to know who it was buzzing the town.
Scott said that for 3 months on Friday evenings, the Sheriff stood on Main Street between six and eight o'clock waiting for Ken to come down to tree top level (going around 600 Mph… get that speed in your head…. The Blue Angels don’t go faster than 360 mph--ever.)
Of course dad never flew the same direction twice. Doing that would get you shot down in Korea and Vietnam…. He wasn’t stupid…
Except for a few such youthful stupidities, Ken was a model citizen. A deacon for our church for over forty years. A Bible teacher for over fifty years. And lived to tell about it. I probably saved his life when I told him I'd marry him. He didn't buzz the town after that.
Isaiah 2:2a, 4b "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established……and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." Thank God.
Today is D-Day. Thank some service person for their time in the military. It means a lot.
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