Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Day two is about to begin.  God is about to "Let" something else happen.  "And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters."  No mention of land.  Just water. (Firmament means "sky"--Webster) Water seems to be covering everything at this point.  It would explain all those compressed archaeological deposits that we continue to find in silt.

The dinosauric ages are over and gone--except for those animals that can live in a wet environment.  Whatever happened, there would have been floating debris that might have given refuge to some types of life.  We know that the crocs and alligators survived.  And some of the other animals that lived on land--these date back as far as the sharks and fish do.  Consider the centipede.  The cricket.  They go back forever and don't change.  They look now like they always did.

In verse 20, (I'm getting ahead of myself) God said, "...Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life..."  Life was already there in the water.  It didn't vanish between verses one and two. God didn't need to create water life because those life forms had survived the disaster that killed the dinosaurs.  God just "Let" the conditions develop for "abundance".

The evolution "theorist" would have us believe that we all evolved from sea life.  This has no basis in strata.  Strata shows two worlds.  With a huge gap between these worlds.  And statistically, using their time lines, and their ideas of change over time, there is not nearly enough time (statistically) for the types of animals that we now have to have evolved.   The entire theory falls apart at this point.  This is one of the reasons that the scientific world is considering other possibilities.

You and I know that there is an answer to their dilemma.  They can call it intelligent design, but we call it God.  Certainly both sides will agree that we came from somewhere.  And that we are floating through a vast space.  Where did the "space" come from.   Forget evolution!!  Where did "space" come from???   Where are we anyway!!

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