All this technical mumbo-jumbo has lost some of you. I could go on for days and days about this stuff. I've been collecting material on this subject for over fifty years, and have stacks and stacks of it. But for only one purpose: to rectify the Christian mind to the fact that Bible is always true. That there is no scientific error in Genesis. Our young people need to have complete assurance of this before they head off to college where the world will ridicule them for believing. If they know what they believe and why, their faith will stay strong. And they can defend the Biblical account scientifically. Everything fits.
1. God created two things. The heavens and the earth.
2. Something, or someone (Lucifer--the fallen angel?) messed up the earth.
3. The earth was covered by water.
4. The dinosaurs went extinct except those animals living in water.
5. God looked down and said, "Let there be light."
6. He separated water above the earth from water on the earth.
7. He separated the water from the land on earth, and let dry land appear.
And to finish up the third day, (however long that was) He said: Gen.1:11 "Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth..."
This is another "let." "whose seed is in itself upon the earth..." This sounds like there must have been pockets of dry land--in caves perhaps--where seed was preserved dry. The seed was " itself--upon the earth..." It doesn't indicate that anything creative was going on. Not that God couldn't have re-created plant life if that was what He wanted to do. I am just trying to point out what the Bible actually says.
I told you that I believe in words. And I believe the words in the Bible are exactly true. Is there room for discussion? Of course. I have simply presented the conclusions that I have come to after years of study. I am currently reading a book by an evolution "theorist" that discounts what I have told you. He's wrong, but I try to stay current on what the other side is thinking... The Bible is always right. Always.
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