Which brings us to verse three. There are those in Biblical theology that insist that the world is very young. That it can't be over ten thousand years old. They ignore the archaeological facts. They ignore the geologic facts. Science is their enemy.
However, I do not believe in evolution "Theory" as proposed by Darwin. That somewhere back there, one cell became two, two became four, etc. And somewhere along the way the cells became "alive" and developed into something that developed into something better and better until you finally had creatures of every sort, and man. Scientists have not been able to provide us with any examples in strata of the development of such creatures. They go from one creature in one layer of strata to an entirely different creature in the next layer of strata and say, "This is proof that the first creature evolved into the second." But there are no intermediate creatures. With all of those bones in both layers, where is the strata, bones, and connections between the two layers?? It just does not exist. We're not talking about a missing link. We are talking about billions of them.
Lately, scientists have been talking about a new theory. "Intelligent design." But instead of calling it God, they are looking for outside intervention from outer space. Aliens. When you deny the existence of God, you have to find an explanation somewhere else. And as Darwin's theory has become problematic, they are starting to look somewhere else.
There is a big difference between 1. Evolution, and 2. Evolution theory. Evolution simply means change. Take a dog, and with human intervention, you can come up with dozens and dozens of different types of dogs. Big ones, little ones. Black, white, spotted and brown ones. That is evolution. But if you leave them alone--if you stop intervening--they will not get better and better, they will revert. But they will still be dogs. Not pigs, not cows, not fish.
Evolution "theory" says that in the animal kingdom, animals got better and better all by themselves due to natural selection. That one animal turned into another one--over millions of years. This is where the science falls apart. There aren't any examples of continuity. Anywhere.
"Let there be light."
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