Churches are funny things. Instead of us doing the things that need doing, we hire people to tell us what to do. Which is strange--because we have a book, the Bible, that already does that. And the problem with hiring people to tell us what to do, is that every time we change the man at the top, (or woman, in some churches), we start all over with a new direction about how to do what we do.
Sunday I went to a meeting where there was a discussion about why people attend your church. In a survey, less than 10 percent nation wide said it was the pastor. Or the location. Or the doctrine. Or the programs. Or the building. Over 80% said they came because someone asked them to come.
People don't come to church just to learn about Jesus. They come to connect with people. People who are of a certain mind-set. And they stay because they find a group of people who adopt them. Take them into their group. People who listen, and pray for their needs. People who aren't judgmental, but are encouraging. And in the process, hopefully, they find Christ.
And yet, we spend most of the money that the church receives on the things that attract people the least. I believe that we could do a lot better by spending our money on connection groups led by people who know how to teach, but also know how to connect. People want to connect. They come looking for something. And if we don't reach out and pull them into our fellowship, they will look for a church that does.
As a teacher, I have always picked one, sometimes two people to disciple each year. Rarely two. You can't pour yourself into everyone--because doing that kind of "caring" for someone takes a lot of your personal time. Usually years. It took Jesus three years to disciple the people he picked. Generally, everyone I chose actually chose me. They wanted to learn. It's not hard to figure out who might want to know more. You "connect."
I think the churches--all denominations--in America would be able to spread the gospel in a better way if they taught people how to teach others to make disciples. Reproduce yourself in like kind. Double your impact. Teach people how to make disciples. Teach them how to go about doing that. Jesus said, "As you are going, make disciples..." Matthew 28:19
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