It's Monday again. Time is going by so fast. Or maybe I am going so slow that it is rolling over me. I can't seem to get anything done that needs to be done. I feel like my days are like a dripping faucet. Drop at a time they evaporate. At night when I go to bed, I can think of a million things I need to do the next day. But when I wake up, I can't remember any of them.
Here's an example: Saturday night, I remembered that I needed to reset the clock. I had already gone to bed so I reminded myself that I needed to do it first thing Sunday morning. Of course I forgot, and missed church. I was lazing around reading the newspaper and looked at my watch. It was 8:30 and I needed to get ready for 9:30 worship service. And the same instant realized that it was really 9:30 already.
And last Tuesday, I was refilling my daily pill cases and thought, "I'll go ahead and take my pills while I'm doing this." Which I had already taken. Trust me, you don't want to double your potassium. I got a rip-roaring headache, and every time I tried to walk I looked like I was drunk.
The big problem with all of that is that your children (and everybody else) think you are incompetent because you are getting old. But the truth is, I've always been absent minded. It's just that when you age, people attribute every stupid thing you do to your age. I've always managed to do stupid stuff.
I do forget things quicker. Which is a good thing. Why hang on to things that bother you. And I pace myself with the tasks that need to be done. And I extrapolate parts of some of the things I know and put them into other things I know. It makes sense to me.
Actually, I don't mind growing older. There isn't as much stress. I don't feel any pressure to do things I don't want to do. And if I miss going somewhere I meant to go, well, I'll go next time. "Grow old with me. The best is yet to come."
In the book of Ecclesiastes, as the writer concludes, he says, "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter, (of life): Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." So, every day I try to do just that--as I grow older. It is a pretty good plan.
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