All of you like it when I write about Ken's exploits. Those men wrote about the exploits of a man named Jesus. A man who changed the world and still changes the world. The most famous man of all time. We like to hear about people's experiences. Jesus' experiences are mind-blowing.
The Bible is so interesting. And even though I have read it all a number of times--it's like everything else in my life--I forget. And every time I read it I learn something new. It is like a guide book for living in a way that comes out "right" in the end. Living in a way that guarantees living forever. And ever. And it guarantees that we will find peace in our lives.
It is not a get rich book. There are a number of famous TV preachers that promise that you will "Prosper" if you accept Christ. Prosper financially. They quote the prayer of Jabez as if it means we all will be rich. The Bible doesn't teach that everybody that comes to Christ will prosper financially. It promises that you will have what you need.
Jesus said, "Consider the lilies of the field how they grow. They don's spin..yet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. If God clothes the grass which lives today and tomorrow is cast into the oven, how much more will he clothe you. Don't worry about what you shall eat, or drink...the Father knows that you have need of these things." Luke 12:27-40
There is an evil power out there. One who is trying to defeat you. But when something goes wrong, God will use it some way or another. And he promises to be with us in our troubles. He promises that nothing will ever happen that will be more than we can bear. He is all powerful. He will "deliver us from evil," is what the Lord's prayer says. That's a good deal. A perfect way out. Go get your mail and read it.
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