Friday, April 28, 2017

I am late posting this.  It's been a busy week.  I have tried to cook dinner for my niece Lindsey and her husband Sam (who are staying with me for 10 days) every night this week--and I have had different members of my (and their) family over each night for them to eat and to get to know each other better.  Tomorrow, (Saturday) Jon and his wife Jennifer and their two little boys Brady and Tate are coming over.

Then Sunday, a cousin from North Carolina and a two cousins from Wichita are coming.  So I haven't had much time to think about writing.  I have been cooking.  Which I haven't done much of in the last two years.  I am out of practice.  Monday through Wednesday we are going to eat leftovers!!

Sam is a Captain in the Air Force, and every morning when he is heading out to work, in uniform, I find my eyes drawn to the bars on his shoulders.  Ken was a Captain when I married him.  I have been flooded with memories of Ken in uniform headed out the door.  I don't think I have really thought much about uniforms since 1968 when Ken retired.  Oklahoma is far removed from most military establishments.  And Pryor is totally and completely removed.

Ken made Major in 1961.  Five years after I married him.  So all of those first memories of getting to know him were when he was a Captain in the Marine Corps.  Double bars on his shoulders.  Sixty-one years ago.  He was so handsome.  Such a striking figure in his uniform.

And today, Sam left for work in a flight suit.  I look at him and Lindsey and wonder if Ken and I were ever that young.  It seems like a million years ago.  It seems like yesterday.  They are such a sweet couple.  With their whole lives ahead of them.

God bless our citizens in uniform.

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