Friday, May 5, 2017

I always post early.  But I forgot--because Ann called me to go to a neighborhood garage sale.  Those kind of sales make me go brain dead.  So here it is after 3 in the afternoon and I just realized that I had forgotten.

You are all probably tired of my latest rant on predestined damnation anyway.

I'll end that by saying that I love to study the Bible.  I love to put it together in my mind--when I have a question--so that it all makes sense.  I guess being a mathematician with a logical bent of mind makes me want to bring it all together when I have questions.

But in the end, it is God's spirit that reveals truth as we read his Word.  Things I have read dozens of times can jump out at me with new insight and I know that it is not from my own analysis, but from God.  Something I have read will connect in my brain with something I have memorized in the past and it's like slipping a button through a button hole.  It fits.

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