Yesterday my last paragraph that I wrote was: "In my own mind, I have already decided that God can create man, give him free will to choose good or evil, give him the acumen to recognize that He, God, exists, and then--as God--choose not to know what the individual man will do concerning his decision to choose Christ as the sacrificial lamb of God--the path to fellowship with God himself. Otherwise, God would be knowingly creating children, (since God is the author of all life), who are born doomed, and foreordained to eternal death. If God is always good, that seems logically impossible."
To me, it is a conclusive argument against the concept that we are "Preordained to Salvation" which is a current philosophy going around in today's religious circles. I don't think that you can have it both ways. That is, that we can be preordained to salvation (through no choice of our own), without having a group of people who are preordained to damnation. Which would mean that God is not good at all. Which would mean that God is knowingly creating a group of people to torture in hell forever and ever. Which is the flip side of the coin of "Preordination for salvation."
If God is the creator of all life; if God is always good (which we discussed yesterday); if God is all powerful; if God can do whatever He chooses to do; if God has given us free will, then how can God "pre-ordain" what we are going to choose to do. That is--preordain the choice that we will make--to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, or to believe that He isn't. That is the opposite of free will. Of choice. Man is thus nothing but God's puppet.
If I believed that only those who are "Preordained for salvation," will be saved, why would I bother to follow the commands of Jesus to spread the Gospel. It wouldn't make any difference one way or another.
And why would Jesus send his disciples out "two by two" to spread the word if it wasn't necessary? Why would I follow the command to, "Go ye therefore and teach all nations. Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost." Matthew 28:19. Why bother with all of that if the outcome has already been decided?
You are clearly NOT a Calvinist !!!
ReplyDeleteClearly you are NOT a Calvinist !!! I agree with you and yet I question my ability to define what GOD ( who can measure the universe with the span of His hand, who knows the future better than I know my own past) actually knows or doesn"t know. I so miss you.