Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Words.  They are the substance of our expression to each other.  The more words you know and understand, the better you can communicate.  But if your audience doesn't understand the words you are saying, you lose them.  I am always learning new words.  "Obfuscate" is such a word.  It means to render obscure, unintelligible or unclear.  But "bewilder" is a more common word we use to express that concept.  So I don't use the word "obfuscate" when I write.  I use "bewilder."

I am constantly replacing words when I write.  The purpose is to make what I have written clear--to a greater audience.  Most people aren't word-smiths.  Which brings me to the point of what I am trying to express.  I am currently lost in a world of words that I do not understand.  They are the words that have been created in the last twenty years at such a pace that they are obsolete--before I can learn what they mean.  Computer words--that sometimes aren't words at all--just letters.  I don't know where to start learning.  I am "Obfuscated" when it comes to the language.

CD-rom, or is it C drom?  Digital, analog, PDF, beta, the cloud, etc. etc. Thousands of words and letters that have appeared and then vanished.   I don't even know where to begin learning about them.  Or how to even ask about what I don't understand.  Words just turn up.  Everyone says:  "Get one of your grandkids to help you."  I tried that.  They used words I didn't understand to explain words that I didn't understand.

I am a sequential learner.  I need to start over at the beginning.  Where is that?  How do you start learning about this subject when the words evaporate--are discarded--almost as soon as you learn what they mean.  In my first computer class, we punched cards.  You know, 1101011, etc.

You have to go back to the beginning of the information explosion to try to understand what words came "next" and eliminated the need for the words that are no longer worth anything to the computer language.  That is so strange.  Most language builds on what came "before" and adds to the language.  Computer language seems to eliminate words from their vocabulary because they are no longer worth anything.  I am befuddled by it all.  In my life time, information has exploded.  It is mind boggling.

I hope they speak English in Heaven.


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