Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Becky Bacon (BB) has an appointment in Oklahoma City today.  Which means (Yea) that she will stay all night with me tonight and tomorrow we can go somewhere and have fun.  I need to pray that her eyes will get better, but that would mean that she wouldn't come to OKC to see her specialist and stay with me.  Conflict of my moral character!!!  But of course, I have to hope she will get better.

I was going to Pryor over Christmas (got pneumonia and couldn't) so I called her and asked her if she had a bed for me.  She was in Colorado, and told me how to get into the house in Pryor.  She said to take the whole house.  Someone here asked why I didn't stay with Scott and Stacy, or my brother Bill and Janet.  Scott and Stacy are in a tiny rent house with four kids and their kids coming, and Bill and Janet were in Kansas at the time.  And Carolyn had her granddaughter's family with her.

BB is my "go to" when I need something.  She is an RN supremo.  Knows everything about medicine that there is to know.  She should be an honorary doctor.

I tell people in Pryor, and friends everywhere, to stay with me when they come to OKC.  Some of them don't believe me.  I don't get it.  When I say "Come," that's what I mean.  I'll even fix breakfast. I love to have people stay with me.  Even if they are busy elsewhere and I don't get to see much of them.  I just like to have visitors.  You can have the two bedrooms and bath over on the North side of the house--I never go back there.

I love my friends.  The best part is:  They love me.  It takes time to get there, but mercy!! It's wonderful.  You don't make many friends like that in your life.

You may remember me telling you that BB is married to Joe, the Indian Indian.  He's Cherokee and was raised in India as the  US Agriculture Ambassador's son.  Go back and read my blog about him.

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