Wednesday, January 17, 2018

I am going to have another great-grandchild.  And this one will be the first boy.  "Gunner."  Probably going to be a Marine with a name like that.  I have three great granddaughters, so this will add  some variety.

There are so many people in my family that I have a hard time remembering who told me what.  And we are all close.  Everybody pretty much keeps up with everybody else.  I love them all.  And I like some of them as well!!

We have falling off the cliff left-wingers, and falling off the other side of the cliff right-wingers as well.  You can't talk politics at our family gatherings.   I just wonder how in the world Ken and I produced such a diverse group.  I've learned to say, "Well, that's an interesting thought."  No commitment one way or another.  Keeps me out of trouble.

One of them asked me who I was going to vote for in the last election.  I jokingly said,  "I'm taking a quarter into the booth when I vote, and I'm going to flip it.  Heads, it's Hillary.  Tails, it's Trump.  And whichever one I end up voting for, I'm going to apologize to God when I walk out."  That made both sides upset with me--and I was just trying to be clever.

Everyone on both sides seems unable to talk to each other about anything.  Ken used to say, "If you have a Republican president, vote Democrat.  If you have a Democratic president, vote Republican.   That way they won't get anything done.  Because every time they do get something done, it seems to make things worse."  Of course he was saying that "tongue in cheek."  But there is some truth in it.

I just want some peace.  I would like to turn on the news and hear something relevant instead of meanness and arguments.  Was it Shakespeare who said, "...a poor player.  That struts and frets his hour upon the stage.  And then is heard no more: it is a tale...full or sound an fury, signifying nothing.

I think I'm getting old.

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