Wednesday, January 10, 2018

I went to teacher's meeting last week.  It's where we study and talk about the next Sunday's lesson and try and get additional insight from each other.  I had missed five weeks due to pneumonia, and expected someone to say, "Glad to have you back????"  Nope.  Didn't happen.

I'm going to be more conscious of things like that.  Sometimes we Christians are the very worst at the little things.  We get focused on the big picture and fail to do those little things that make up good social Christian behavior.  Things that let people know that we care about them.

Last year, I made an effort to call every person who was absent on Sunday from my class.  I wasn't one hundred percent effective--when people didn't answer.  I'll try to do better this year.

I usually only make one New Year's resolution.  If I make two or three, I'm sure to let one slide.  Last year, I determined to lose ten pounds.  I'm not much overweight, so it shouldn't have been hard.  But it was.  I'm a grazer.  I leave healthy snacks out on the counter because if I have something close by, I am pacified.  Problem is, I graze all day long.  So, I narrowed down the choices.  I lost the ten pounds, but put four of them back on over Thanksgiving.  So I am still working on last year's resolution.  I won't stop.  I'll get there.

My one resolution for this year is to watch what I am doing.  Move more cautiously, watch my feet and try not to fall.  And go to urgent care the first day I am sick--instead of trying to overcome whatever is wrong with will power.  (Which is why the pneumonia and cellulitis got such a hold on me).  In other words, take better care of myself and be more careful.  My mind thinks I am still thirty.  My body doesn't.  I hate admitting that.  It's almost as if you have given up and said that you are old.  Which I guess I am.  It stinks.

If you made a bunch of resolutions, go check your list and eliminate some of them.  Try and concentrate on one--or two--things and you will actually make progress.  Last's year's resolution was to lose 10 pounds.  I did, but now have to take off the Thanksgiving's four I gained.  Piece of "kale." The nuts on the counter may have to go.  Fewer fried foods.  Small changes.  I won't give up bread.  That's too hard.  I guess what I'm saying is that we should be honest with ourselves.

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