Friday, January 19, 2018

My daughter Becky and sister Lisa formed a company a year or so ago:  Swan Estate Sales.  (Swan was Lisa's maiden name.  Mine, too.)   They have had a bunch of them, but the one coming up is going to be a doozie.  I went over to the place where they are setting it up and have never seen the likes of this one.  The oil paintings alone are fabulous.  This sale is the real deal.  It will have to be advertised nationally.  Some of the items have only been seen in places like the British, and French museums.

I can't tell you how much work it is to set one of these sales up and organize it.  I spent an hour going through paper the other day, just to find provenance for the paintings.  And still didn't get through all of the paper.  I sometimes work a room for them on the day of the sale.  My price is right for my time.  Free.  I just like to meet the people who come through.  And I like to help out.  It's nice to be needed.

Pam called me to work at the store today--Edmond's Antiques.  I took Squig.  He greeted everyone who came in.  He thought they had come just to see him.  Of course I keep him on a leash, but everyone comes over to where he is to pet him.  He loves it.  He thinks he's special.  And he is.

I think God did some of his best work when he made dogs.

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