Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Transcribing what I wrote thirty years ago onto my Mac is difficult.  A lot of typing.  I threw my IBM out years ago, but even though I kept the hard drive, there is no way to transfer what I wrote in WORD to PAGES on an Apple.  I'm sure someone could do it,  but it is beyond my capabilities.

So yesterday, I hooked up and began typing.  I said I was going to do it, and I started doing it.  Now the problem is perseverance.  Which I find myself praying for: "God, please keep me motivated.  Don't let me become discouraged.  Keep me moving in the right direction."  Those are the kind of things I pray for because I know myself so well.

I am probably ADHD.  I work in spurts, change tasks and do something else for awhile.  I never finish what I start all at once.  I do a little bit of this and a little bit of that--going in circles.  I get bored very quickly.  However; I do finish what I start, eventually.  I set deadlines for myself.  I will have seven or eight projects going all at once, and finish one of them on a regular basis.  I'm always in the process of finishing something.  And starting something else.

Cleaning that box of papers out yesterday was a new project I started.  I'll sort out things from the box for a while, type for twenty minutes, read a chapter in a book I am half through, start (or finish) a sudoku puzzle, watch the news--circling back to the box and  typing.  At the end of the day I will have accomplished a lot of things, and finished one or two.

I've said before that I have perfected the art of procrastination to procrastin-action.  It works for me.  I don't recommend it.

I am excited about working on this book that I am writing.  There it was.  In a box.  Waiting on me to finish it.

"Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might."  Colossians 3:23  Luckily for me, the scripture doesn't say, "...don't get distracted."

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