Friday, January 26, 2018

I guess what I am saying is that God is one, with three roles.

We worship God the Father.

We praise God the Son for what He did for us.

We listen to God the Holy Spirit.

We now have what God intended.  His voice inside us leading us into righteousness.  His very Spirit comforting us in times of trouble.  Jesus came to intercede for us.  To make us fit to hold God in our cleansed bodies.  Once cleansed, God can inhabit our very bodies.

We no longer have a list of things to do and don't do.  Not that there is anything wrong with the list.  We just don't need it anymore.  God the Holy Spirit guides us.

More than that, we now want to do what is right.  We have a new and different nature.

Ken used to say, "I would much rather my children obey me because they love me than because they fear me."  I think that is how God feels as well.

We are now made in his image.  As He intended in the first place.

Loved by the God of the Universe.

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