Thursday, January 11, 2018

There is a woman in one of the groups that I am involved with who doesn't like me.  You know those subtle indications people make that let you know.  When I participate, she picks her nails until I am through speaking.  She rotates her body away from where I am sitting.  She talks to those around her and turns her back to me to let me know that I am not included in her discussion.

I have no idea why she doesn't like me.  It would help if I did, but I wonder if she even knows.  It is strange.  This probably happens when you join a group and the leader calls on your opinion instead of the other person???  Perhaps it is a case of jealously??  But this woman doesn't have a reason to be jealous.

When I am called on to answer a question and do so, she immediately finds something wrong with what I have said.  And expresses it out loud.  Or she rolls her eyes.  Whatever.  I find it strange.

You can't make people like you.  They either do or they don't.  There is something about your personality that clicks with theirs, or something about your personality that irritates them.  Who can figure it out.

I try to be a good listener.  At least let it look like I am listening.  I try to compliment people when they express something meaningful.  Not too often, or it looks like I am a wimp that oozes false praise.  That kind of praise grows old.  I have to work at listening.  Being a good listener puts the other fellow first.  You count them as important.  And you don't want to look like you want them to finish so you can talk.  When you are talking, you aren't learning anything.  Listen more.

We all live in our own little world.  Letting someone new in will cost you--in your time.  And I guard my time.  I don't want to know this woman any better anyway, but find it interesting that she needs to make it obvious that she doesn't want to include me.  Some things I will never understand.

"Love your brother as yourself."  That is a hard thing to do when they don't love you back.  God sent his Son knowing that people would reject him.  Why would He do that?   I don't think I'm there yet.

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