Tuesday, June 12, 2018

I often wonder who is out there reading what I write.  I know that Scott reads it.  He forwards it to his friends where he works. This is post 1,412.  One thousand, four hundred and twelve.  How in the world can that be?  I just get up in the morning and write 6 inches.  That's it.  I edit so that I don't go over that because I know that is about all anyone's brain can handle at one time.  Six inches.

Today I picked kale from my garden, and sautéed it in bacon drippings.  Exquisite. I had never done that before.  Of course bacon drippings is the premier Southern oil.  I fried okra in it for years until I found out it might kill me.  Now I use canola oil--but nothing is as good as bacon drippings.  Except bacon itself--which I think should be one of our food groups along with vegetables and fruits.  Seems like everything that is good, is bad for you.  Why is that.  God could just as easily made bacon and pie, and cinnamon rolls, and chocolate, and cupcakes, etc. be health foods.

I am not really a sweet eater.  But bread.  Bread is the staff of life.  I love bread.  I adore bread.  And Jesus endorsed eating bread (!!):  "Jesus took bread and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples and said, 'Take eat; this is my body'."  Matthew 26:26.  I could easily eat an entire loaf; however, I don't think Jesus was advocating for me to eat all the bread I want to eat.  He was about to die, and wanted his disciples to remember Him.  Especially when they ate bread.

Now we recognize "The Lord's Supper" and Baptism, as the two ordinances that Jesus left for us to do.  To remind us of Him, and what He did for us.  At my church, when the pastor baptizes someone, he usually says, "Buried with Christ in baptism," as he submerges the believer--and "Raised to walk in the newness of Life," as they are lifted up out of the water.  This symbolizes death to the old way, and resurrection to a new way.

I wish the "new way" would let me eat anything I want, any time I want it.  But no,  I have to use discipline.  I don't like being disciplined.  And that sums up the nature of us human beings.  Thank goodness I have a new nature which is at war with the old.  As Paul said, "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to do according to his purpose." Philippians 2:12-13.  And "Christ in you, the hope of Glory." Collosians 1:27. That inner voice is what keeps me skinny.  Otherwise I would weigh 500 pounds from eating bread.

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