Thursday, June 14, 2018

I worked at Edmond Antiques today.  A man came in who was obviously very bright.  We got into a conversation, and after talking about Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Descartes, etc., and their theories, I asked him if he was a Christian.  The ensuing conversation was fascinating.

He had read the Bible, searched for answers, could discuss many of the scriptures--it was obvious that he knew scripture.  And he answered my question and said, "I want to believe.  I have an inner desire to believe in something that is true--true like the absolutes of mathematics, or quantum physics.  But I can't find any absolutes in the Bible.  I can't find anything that I know for certain."

I have never had a conversation like the one I had with this man.  He talked for an hour about science, philosophy, physics, humanities, and on an on.  I tried every way I knew how to talk about the things he knew and pointed out that:  all of the things he believed came from reading and accepting what he read.  And pointed out that although the men who wrote the accounts in the four gospels told the stories that they remembered differently, it was obvious that the events they were talking about happened, were real, and that they each one saw those events.

I questioned his reasons for accepting the writers of all of the men we discussed from science and asked what he thought the difference was between them and the things he had read in Scripture.  He didn't know.  I pointed out that everything we know comes from reading, or experiencing.  Again, he said, "I want to believe.  I just wish I could accept the fact that there is a creator--as a fact.  I wish I knew that there was a God who heard prayer--but it doesn't seem that there is a way to prove that.

Then, he put his hand out and thanked me for the conversation and said it was one of the most insightful discussions he had had in a long time.

I held his hand, looked up at him and said, "I am going to pray for you."  And he said, "I know that you are going to do that."

And I have been praying for him all day.  And will continue to do so.  That he can find his way out of the darkness he is in and take a step of faith.  If that happens, he will then know the truth.

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