Tuesday, June 26, 2018

My friend Becky Bacon came in on Sunday.  Her eyes again.  The ophthalmologist found that a piece of scar tissue was the problem.  That was a great relief, since that is a problem that can be fixed.  We celebrated the good news by watching Hallmark movies for two days.

The scripts are totally predictable--and they are all alike--ending when the guy kisses the girl.  We ended up in stitches, emoting our versions of the dialogs.  Chick flicks.  Silly and goofy--Hysterical laughing probably a result of our relief (!)  that her last surgery hadn't gone wrong.

She has been here so often that she stores her favorite oatmeal and snacks in the pantry.  I don't have to worry about what to feed her, she rummages through the fridge when she's hungry and fixes her own coffee in the Keurig.  She comes in the front door with her suitcase, takes her stuff to the back bedroom and then settles on the sofa.  We should all have guests like that.   Actually, she isn't a guest any more, if she ever was.  We've been friends over 20 years.

She'll be back in three weeks to have the scar tissue removed.  I'll line up the Hallmark movies and record them so we can spend the week she is recovering, laughing,  It is a great thing for me to look forward to.  Laughing is therapeutic.

I called Joe and told him that the house across the street was for sale.  That it could be their summer home.  Edmond's only a couple of hours south of Pryor, but that should qualify as a vacation house.  He didn't hang up.

I do miss my Pryor friends.  But I am finally making friends here.  My new friend Jeanette has been struggling with the shingles. She has been miserable.

Carolyn has had her third foot surgery and been in a nursing recovery unit for the last week.  Her daughter is holding the fort down at home.  She was able to come from the East Coast to help Carolyn when she returns home.

I'm the only one of my friends who is doing great at the moment.  Praise God.  Thank you Jesus!!!

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