Monday, June 18, 2018

I read something today that I find disturbing.  Oprah said that, "There are many ways to God."  The reason I find it disturbing is that millions of people will hear her and believe her--and look no further.  Her words will be the only words they will ever hear on the subject because they neither go to church nor read the Bible.  They will believe her because she is famous.

In the Gospel, John 14:6, Christ said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No man comes to the Father except by me."  Jesus was telling us something true.  He was telling us that God had made a way to reconcile us to Himself.  One way.  Through Jesus' death on the cross.  He is our sin payment.  God designed The Way.  And then, He died for it.

There is no other religion that address our nature--which is sinful.  There is no other religion that offers a solution to our nature.  There is no other religion that makes a sacrifice on our behalf.

Statements like Oprah's are going to give those who hear her words--and believe them--a false sense of security that will ultimately separate them from God--a God who loves them and sent His son to be our way back to Him.  The only way.  God has said so in his word and He didn't ask for Oprah's opinion on the subject.

I am reminded of the first time we heard someone else declare her "Truth" which was diametrically opposed to God's truth.  It was in the early 50's in a column by "Dear Abby."  She declared that sexual deviance occurred because "people were born that way."  She kept saying it over and over until people everywhere accepted what she said as truth.  Dear Abby said you are born that way, so it must be true.  But God didn't ask for Dear Abby's opinion on that subject either.

We have become a nation of people who do not follow God.  People listen to the "Stars" and follow them and their words, their messages.  It doesn't seem to matter what God's truth is.

It makes me sad.

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