Thursday, June 21, 2018

Yesterday I hemmed a pair of pants that I love--they had gotten ragged on the bottom.  I don't know when I have repaired something I wear.  But I couldn't think about not having this pair of pants.  Funny how you have a closet full of clothes and you wear the same things over and over--till ragged.

I heard someone say that once a year, they turned every thing in their closet around so that the hangers were hanging backwards.  Then at the end of the year, they removed everything that was still hanging backwards because obviously, they hadn't worn it in a year or they would have hung it up correctly.   I think that is a good way to get rid of stuff you don't wear.  Donate it to Goodwill.  If you aren't wearing it, there is someone who will, and who needs it.

While I was hemming my pants, I noticed that each stitch was exactly one quarter inch long.  Years and years of sewing, and I hadn't forgotten exactly what a quarter inch looked like.  And how that practice of stitching had given me an eye for measuring things in other ways.  I am glad that God gave me the gift of sewing.  Even though I sew very seldom anymore, I know how.  I will always know how to construct and know how to sew.  Once you learn something, you will always know how to do it.  You may get rusty, but with a very little practice you can do it perfectly again.

I am also tearing a dress apart that I haven't worn in ages, but it is a dress I love.  I decided that if I am going to keep it, I need to fix it.  So I am.  The sleeves are too short for me.

There are things in our lives that we need to fix.  They need to be torn out and be replaced with new behaviors.  It takes a lot of reevaluation to figure out what you need to do.  But it needs to be done.  We need to examine ourselves and decide what needs to be kept, and what needs to go.

We need to make peace with our fellowman in a time of great conflict in our nation.  We need to have a softer voice when we disagree.  Or maybe it is time we kept our mouths shut.  We need to love one another even though sometimes we are unlovely.  If something needs to be changed, get busy changing it instead of talk, talk, talking about it.  Get busy fixing.

"A little less talk and a lot more action."  (Yes, I admit--I listen to country music when I'm in the car.)

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