Friday, June 29, 2018

Jonathan, David's dear friend, was killed along with his father Saul, and two other brothers.  Which left the crown in doubt.  Saul's fourth (weak) son was crowned, but Abner, Saul's top general, ran the country.  And since David's armies outnumbered him, Abner decided to try and make a truce.  A truce that would reunite the kingdom of Israel with Judah.  Abner wanted to be top dog over all the armies.

So Abner sent a delegation to David outlining his plan to reunite the kingdom without war.  David accepted--and eventually was crowned as God's rightful King of Israel.  He had already been crowned as King of Judah.  Israel was now a reunited nation.

But Saul's armies had a hard time accepting David.  They had been loyal to Saul, and had spent years hunting David down with the intent of killing him.  David didn't push.  He slowly regained their trust by his skillful handling of problems that arose.  It took years and years.

Politics.  Behind the scenes rumbling.  Deals.  And more deals.  Human nature hasn't changed in three thousand years.  The thing we have to remember is that God always has a plan.  And nations rise and fall according to their ability to come in line with His plans.

When we look back on history, it is apparent what a nation should have done--but didn't.  America is going through a series of events that have taken her out of the will of God.  There is no way we can be "One nation, under God, indivisible...." at the rate we are heading down the primrose path to moral destruction.  One step at a time.  Intellectually compromising what God says is right with our rational explanations that "He really didn't mean what He said."  Until someday, what God says is no longer relevant.

 It would be a shame if someday, years in the future, students will read about the nation of America and say, "Such a shining example...but she went wrong.  She abandoned her integrity."

Has this already happened?  Or do we as Christians have hope of turning this thing around.  Just like Saul and David, We Americans are at war with each other.  Someone needs to call a truce and get us back on the path that God would approve of.

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