Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Some birds flew over my yard, left a poop-present, and strawberries sprouted.  The strawberry plants have grown prolifically and are spreading like ground cover over one of my front planting beds.   My neighbor came over and picked strawberries the other day.  I didn't tell him where they came from.

My okra is up to my waist.   Another foot and I'll have okra.  I picked my first tomatoes--bright red and luscious.  I eat kale almost every other night--so sweet and delicious.  I am in the best time of year for me.  I love it.  All the work I have done is bearing fruit.  I do my part then God does His.

It has rained for the last three days.  Frog strangling rain.  My Koi pond is running over the rim--it is deep--and eight feet by twelve feet wide.  Rain is free water for me.  Edmond's water bills are very (Very) high priced.  Forty five dollars higher (at least) each month than in Pryor.

Squig has spent the last three days shivering from fear.  It's bad enough that he's afraid of the thunder and lightening, but he is terrified of rain.  Stupid dog.  I have to go out on the back porch and literally throw him into the grass when he has to "go," and he stands there quivering and shaking, looking back at me to see if I really mean it.  Only then will he do what he has to do, then make a bee-line back to me.  We do the same thing every few hours.  I'm winning, but he isn't giving up easily.  I do love that dog.  I must?

I've spent the last five days taping and pricing fabric.  This afternoon, I'm taping and pricing fringe, trim, ric-rac, seam tape, etc.  This sale will be over this week.  The other one in July.  Some times it is fun to help.  Sometimes it isn't.  Today, nobody had scissors for me to use, or masking tape, or plastic bags--actually they had forgotten to bring everything I needed.  I had to bring it all home with me.  That's when it isn't any fun.

And when I get stressed, I eat cookies.  Vanilla Oreos.  I wouldn't eat them if I didn't buy them.

Actually, I'm pretty happy.  My grandson and his wife are looking at the house across the street from me. It isn't on the market yet, but will be by next week.  I hope they buy it.  I think they are going to.   That's enough to make any grandmother happy.

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